In 2015, Caribbean cooking show “Taste the Islands” made history by becoming the first Jamaican-produced and Jamaican-hosted series on US national public television. Show creators Blondie Ras Productions have announced that the second season will premiere this June, Caribbean American Heritage Month, on Create TV and select PBS stations around the country. Public television’s favorite Caribbean culinarian, Jamaican chef Hugh “Chef Irie” Sinclair, will be joined by two new cast members, Haitian chef Cynthia “Chef Thia” Verna, and island explorer “Lisa Lee” Arneaud.
The cast of “Taste the Islands” Season 2: Chef Thia, Lisa Lee & Chef Irie.
Photo by: David I. Muir
Fans of island cuisine can find out where to watch locally, discover recipes, and see behind the scenes images and more on the show’s website, Find out more about the show's broadcast schedule and watch all the episodes from Season 1 on Create TV.