Yesterday was a momentous occasion for a whole lot of
people on the planet. Why? Queen Ri, with the aid of Tidal (or fault of) and
Samsung, released her long awaited 8th album "Anti." And as we
anti-cipated (get it), it's unapologetically titillating. I was all over the place emotionally. One wonders if that was +BadGal Riri's intent? Anyhow, before I offer the public a
well thought out review of the album (that will be in the next post), I decided
to share my knee jerk reactions to the opus
Here goes...
10 things I thought of doing while listening to
Rihanna’s “Anti”
Free-falling from an airplane.
Walking around in the house naked with a head full
of curlers
Calling an old boyfriend and having phone sex.
Baking a strawberry cake.
Putting on a full face of make-up and sitting
around the house with a cigarette in my mouth.
Snuggling with a bae.
Lying flat on my back in a field of poppies.
Making love.
Twirling around in a white dress in an empty room.